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Choose your pricing plan
Initial consultation
0$ÂLet's discover if we are a good fit for each otherValid for 30 days- Learn about EFT and how it works. Try it out!
Weekly Coaching Consultation
100$Every monthWeekly live support to monitor your progress and make course corrections if necessary.Â- 1 Monthly goal setting meeting
- 4 Individual sessions
- Online resources
- Phone or in-person support
- Weekly blog
EFT Foundations
275$ÂClean your emotional house and build a strong foundation of resilienceValid for 3 months- EFT Package of six sessions
Single EFT or Coaching session
55$ÂFor those who aren't sure if they want to make a long-term commitmentValid for 30 daysRemote session
35$Every weekLive too far away? Don't have time for an in-person session? Try remoteÂ- Remote sessions are 40 minutes long with a follow-up email
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