Stress... Is there anyone in the modern world who hasn't felt stressed out? How about in the last week? Or day? Anyone ever had a scream/crying episode in your car -- or is that just me? Whether it's a traffic jam, a work deadline, or a strained relationship, stress affects everyone at one time or another.
Stress is a normal response to something that your brain perceives as a threat, signaling the fight/flight/freeze response which triggers the release of adrenaline and cortisol throughout the body. This can manifest as an increased heartbeat, muscle tension, insomnia, gastrointestinal issues, a depresssed immune system, or other issues. (1)
Major concerns such as a worldwide pandemic, political unrest, economic undertainty and environmental worries have only served to increase stress levels globally. What can be done to alleviate this growng epidemic? Here is a great article from Psychology Today that contains a lot of helpful information on how to manage stress:
Some ideas from the above article include physical activities such as meditation, exercise, and breathing exercises and are very helpful in alleviating stress. Other psychological strategies include keeping a gratitude journal, planning your time, getting organized, and changing your perception of certain situations that are causing your stress. I have also found a media fast to be very helpful!
Of course one of the greatest strategies you can use is literally at the tip of your fingers -- tapping! In fact, stress reduction is the flagship benefit of the technique. Meridian tapping sends a calming signal to the brain, significantly reducing stress, adrenaline and cortisol in a matter of a few minutes. All you have to do to be convinced of tapping is to try it! Please visit the First Aid for Stress and Trauma brochure below, which contains the basic instructions for the technique. Remember, tapping is a great self-help tool for daily stresses, but if you want to address deep-seated issues, please seek the help of a tapping coach (and a mental health professional) if necessary. Please book an appointment today if you want to explore how coaching can help.