Hello, and welcome! I'm glad you have found your way here, because this website is for you! You may be a client or you may have just stumbled onto this site. Let me tell you, that was not an accident. Make yourself at home, learn more about tapping and why it works to relieve stress and a host of other emotional burdens you may be carrying around. Be sure to check back often for my weekly posts about specific concerns and how to address them. .
A cairn is a human made rock tower, often used as a marker to show hikers that they are on the right trail. Welcome, fellow traveler. You have found the right path to greater health, emotional freedom, and a joyful life!
You've got this!
By learning the techniques I teach and the principles of change, you CAN let go of all the doubts, fears, painful memories, and other things that have been keeping you from living your best life. You will learn that you are loved, you are here for a reason, you have the power to choose your response to any event, and you have the power to direct your life in whatever brings you joy!
What are you waiting for? Begin your journey now to healing, peace, and progress!