Breaking through hidden self-sabotage that keeps us stuck
Have you had the same New Year's resolutions for the past five years? Just can't seem to start that book you've been meaning to write? Do you keep putting off that organizing project? You wake up every morning with renewed determination to eat healthy and lose a few pounds, but by afternoon you have forgotten all about your resolve until later in the evening when you realize that you've been grazing all night?
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions"
We have so many good intentions but somehow things keep getting pushed to the back burner. The old adage "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions" can lay some heavy guilt or shame on us for not having the strength of character to create change, but just because you can't or haven't been successful in the past doesn't make you a bad or weak human! You just don't know the rules of this game of creating new habits and thought patterns.
So why is it so hard to break through the status quo? We'll talk about that in a minute -- but first, a little psychology lesson.
The "Truth," as we know it
Your brain is a magnificent organ, capable of storing trillions of bit of information. This amazing memory bank is in operation even before birth and it records all of your experiences, your judgment of them based on past experience, and even your emotional reactions to these experiences. So any time we try to change a habit or embark on something new, if the new thing doesn't fit our "truth" as defined by the subconscious brain, it will come up with all kinds of diversions to keep us from achieving that goal. You might recognize the old "creative avoidance" mind trick, where you decide to sit down at the computer to start writing and then wonder how your social media feed is doing, and you end up blowing the whole evening reading posts and watching funny cat videos. Mission accomplished, brain!
What is a psychological (polarity) reversal?
Also known as an internal disagreement between our conscious intentions and subconscious beliefs, a psychological or polarity reversal can play havoc with our best laid plans. You may say that you want to write the Great American Novel, but if you don't see yourself as a successful novelist, you will never get that project off the ground. Even in tapping, if you don't address the posssible polarity reversals, tapping will not work for you. Here are some common polarity reverse beliefs:
I don't deserve to get over this problem
It's not safe for me to change this habit
I don't know who I will be without it
I don't want to let go of this problem
I don't believe that I will ever be able to change
During the setup statement in tapping, we always start with a statement like: "Even though I have this problem, I accept myself unconditionally." If a polarity reversal is suspected, we can add one or more of the above beliefs, i.e. "Even if I don't feel safe letting go of this problem, I accept myself and all of my feelings anyway." Once the thought of unconditional acceptance is introduced, suddenly the way is opened up for change. It's a beautiful thing to observe and experience!
What's keeping you stuck?
As you have been reading this, you may have had an AHA moment where you realize the exact reason you have not been progressing as you wish you were. Changing your "truth" as perceived by your unconscious brain can open up new possibilities and pathways to help you achieve your dreams I'd love to see if I can help you get there. Click below to book an appointment today! (Click here for more appointment options.)
P.S. If you are thinking of someone who could benefit from the information in this post, please share it with them!